
B-tree data structure template.

B-trees are optimized for "cache friendliness" and low overhead per stored element. The main tradeoff w.r.t other self-balancing trees is that insertions and deletions from a B-tree will move multiple elements around per operation, invalidating references and iterators. When elements are big, consider storing them through indirect references.

In order to ensure all memory is deallocated, remember to call clear. Alternatively, if stored elements don't need elaborate destruction, and the provided allocator supports arenas, a full deallocation called externally will not leave anything leaking (but beware of use-after-free bugs in this case).

While keeping duplicates is not the default, it can be used to implement multisets. Just note that, if duplicate elements are allowed in the B-tree, they will have an unspecified order among themselves (i.e. not related to order of insertion).



void clear()

Removes all elements and deallocates all memory for this tree.

int opApply(int delegate(ref const(T)) nothrow @(nogc) dg)

Iterates over elements in order. NOTE: should not be used while inserting or deleting elements from the tree.

int opApply(int delegate(ref T) nothrow @(nogc) dg)

Iterates over elements in order. NOTE: should not be used while inserting or deleting elements from the tree.

bool opBinaryRight(T x)

Check if the tree contains an element.

bool opEquals(const(BTree!(T, P, A)) other)

Element-wise comparison.

inout(T)* opIndex(T x)

Gets the address of the first matching element, or null if it isn't in the tree.

T* put(T x)

Adds an element to the tree.

bool remove(T x, void delegate(ref T) nothrow @(nogc) destroy)

Removes (at most) one element from the tree.

size_t toHash()

Combined element hash.

T* upsert(T x, T delegate() nothrow @(nogc) create, void delegate(ref T) nothrow @(nogc) update)

Updates an element already in the set or creates a new one therein.


size_t length [@property getter]

Returns the number of elements currently stored in the tree.


1 // tip: debug w/ visualizer at
2 enum BTreeParameters params = {
3 	nodeSlots: 3,
4 	customCompare: true,
5 	useBinarySearch: Ternary.yes,
6 };
7 auto btree = BTree!(int, params)((ref a, ref b) => a - b);
8 static const payload = [
9 	34, 33, 38,
10 	28, 27, 22,
11 	30, 21, 24,
12 	18, 19, 20, 26, 32, 42,
13 	23,
14 ];
16 assert(btree.length == 0);
17 foreach (x; payload) {
18 	// at first, the set does not contain x
19 	assert(x !in btree);
20 	assert(!btree.remove(x));
21 	// insert x and test returned address
22 	int* p = btree.put(x);
23 	assert(*p == x);
24 	// now it does contain x, so test lookup
25 	assert(x in btree);
26 	assert(p == btree[x]);
27 	// redundant insert is redundant
28 	int* q = btree.put(x);
29 	assert(q == p);
30 }
32 // sanity check: the b-tree didn't come up with new elements we didn't insert
33 assert(btree.length == payload.length);
34 foreach (ref const x; btree) {
35 	import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
36 	assert(payload.canFind(x));
37 }
39 // remove all but the last 3 elements in reverse order
40 for (int n = 1; n + 2 < payload.length; ++n) {
41 	auto x = payload[$ - n];
42 	assert(x in btree);
43 	btree.remove(x);
44 	assert(x !in btree);
45 	assert(btree.length == payload.length - n);
46 }
47 assert(btree.length == 3);
49 // make sure we test aggregate equality
50 auto other = BTree!int();
51 assert(btree != other);
52 import std.range.primitives : put;
53 static const remaining = [33, 34, 38];
54 put(other, remaining);
55 assert(btree == other);
57 // clear gets rid of the rest
58 btree.clear();
59 assert(btree.length == 0);
60 foreach (x; payload) assert(x !in btree);
static struct S {
	int x;
	uint discriminator;
 nothrow @nogc:
	alias x this;
	int opCmp(in S other) const => this.x - other.x;

enum BTreeParameters params = { allowDuplicates: true };
BTree!(S, params) multiset;
scope(exit) multiset.clear();
static const payload = [ S(6), S(2), S(4), S(5), S(6, 9), S(4, 20) ];

assert(multiset.length == 0);
foreach (x; payload) {
	S* p = multiset.put(x);
	assert(*p == x);
	assert(x in multiset);
assert(multiset.length == payload.length);

assert(S(4) in multiset);
assert(S(4) !in multiset);
assert(multiset.length == payload.length - 2u);
